Chasing Rabbits

A poorly updated blog about what I’m working on

Rewriting Rust Serialization, Part 2.2: More Benchmarks

Back to the benchmarks! I got some great comments on reddit, So I wanted to do another post to update my numbers. Here’s what I changed:

  • I wasn’t consistent on whether or not the serialization benchmarks included Some tests are including the allocation of a buffer to write into. I’ve changed it so most are reusing one, which speeds everything up (especially capnproto-rust!). This does depend on #18885 landing though.
  • I’ve added bincode, which serializes values as raw bytes. Quite speedy too! Not nearly as fast as Cap’n Proto though.
  • I’ve changed C++ and Rust JSON tests to serialize enums as uints.
  • I added the time it takes to create the populate the structures. I’m betting the reason the Rust numbers are so high is that we’re allocating strings. Not sure if the other languages are able to avoid that allocation.


language library population (ns) serialization (MB/s) deserialization (MB/s)
Rust serialize::json 1127 117 26
C++ rapidjson (dom) 546 281 144
C++ rapidjson (dom) 546 281 181
Go encoding/json 343 63.99 22.46
Go ffjson 343 144.60 (not supported)

Cap’n Proto:

language library population (ns) serialization (MB/s) deserialization (MB/s)
Rust capnproto-rust (unpacked) 325 4977 2251
Rust capnproto-rust (packed) 325 398 246
Go go-capnproto 2368 2226.71 450
Go go-capnproto (zero copy) 2368 2226.71 1393.3

Protocol Buffers:

language library population (ns) serialization (MB/s) deserialization (MB/s)
Rust rust-protobuf 1041 370 118
Go goprotobuf 1133 138.27 91.18
Go gogoprotobuf 343 472.69 295.33


language library population (ns) serialization (MB/s) deserialization (MB/s)
Rust rust-msgpack 1143 454 144
Rust bincode 1143 1149 82

Anyone want to add more C/Go/Rust/Java/etc benchmarks?